Fall Creative Editing

Fall is a great time of year to play around with creative editing! Whether you add texture, light, birds, or the moon creating a fall piece of art is rewarding. Most of these images were created either in Photoshop or with iPad applications. I will provide a video below on adding light and the moon for you to reference. Adding textures can be done in Photoshop or with a great application that is easy to use - Distressed FX. This program works on mobile devices and tablets. It allows you to add creative textures and birds to images. 

My workflow is to first capture an old building and begin my edits in Lightroom doing basic adjustments. Then I will take the image in Photoshop or Topaz Studio 2 to add texture, light, impressionistic painting, and enhance color. Then I will export the image and use applications like Distressed FX to add final touches. 

These images become composites adding layer after layer to tell a story.

Using Format