Photography Journal

  1. June Goals Update

    2024-05-29 18:52:55 UTC
    In January, I set some goals for my photography, and I encouraged you to do the same! How is your list going?  It is June and a great time to check in on those goals and make adjustments.  Did you know that research suggests that 92 percent of people who…

  2. Floating Florals

    2024-02-18 14:25:35 UTC
    I started a personal photo project in late January inspired by the images created by artist Robert Peek. He makes stunning floral photos shot in a fish tank surrounded by water and ink. They are mesmerizing to me and so abstract and ethereal. I wanted to attempt to replicate but…

  3. Expressive Florals

    2024-01-30 01:20:40 UTC
    Flowers are one of the most popular subjects to photograph. The shapes, colors, and textures are stunning to capture macro or close-up. Shooting a garden filled with flowers can be a stunning landscape scene. I have shot flowers for many years. I enjoy discovering new and fresh ways to capture…

  4. 24 Compositions

    2024-01-13 21:41:30 UTC
    Composition can make or break a great story. Composition can be quite complicated, and there are many ways to express a scene or story with your camera. Anyone can take a picture of a beautiful landscape scene, but how you compose the image can bring life to the scene, draw…

  5. 24 Goals in 2024

    2023-12-14 17:39:13 UTC
    Instead of setting New Year’s resolutions, I like to list goals for the New Year. I like to take a few hours to dream big and challenge myself to explore new ideas, creativity, personal dreams, and what I would like to do or accomplish in the new year. This year,…

  6. Chasing bees and butterflies!

    2023-04-27 19:01:01 UTC
    Photographing bees or butterflies in the garden can be a rewarding experience! During summer there are great opportunities to capture these stunning insects while they enjoy summer flowers.  Here are some tips to help you get stunning photographs:   Use the right equipment: A camera with a macro lens is ideal…

  7. Artist Inspired Photography - Essence of Spring

    2023-03-24 19:32:16 UTC
    Spring is a time of renewal, new beginnings, and beauty. The arrival of spring has inspired artists for centuries, and one such artist who captured the essence of this season in his work is David Hockney. His vibrant and colorful spring tree and flower images have inspired many. I saw…

  8. Submerged Flower Project

    2023-02-12 16:17:48 UTC
    I like to capture flowers in a variety of manners - dried, frozen, and now submerged. I recently discovered Photographer Barbara Cole’s submerged flower project. She photographed flowers in a swimming pool; the final photographs were dreamy and impressionistic. I was mesmerized by the final images and thought this sounded…

  9. Macro Indoor Photo Shoot - January

    2023-01-21 20:26:36 UTC
    Hey there! Here is a look into my studio to see how I work with flowers with just natural light.  No fancy studio equipment needed, just your camera and a little bit of know-how. We’ll go over everything from a studio setup, to the position of the subject and even…

  10. Capturing Frozen Flowers

    2023-01-17 21:16:00 UTC
    “The camera adds a certain sheen to things. Something about being frozen in time makes things sparkle.” Brandon Stanton This time of year, I dive into capturing the essence of winter, especially frozen things. I often get up early to go out and shoot the morning frost, take a winter…

  11. 10 Personal Photo Projects Ideas

    2022-11-04 19:56:00 UTC
    “Self-assigning photography work is the healthiest thing any photographer can do for themselves. ” Have you ever assigned yourself a photo project? Whether you are a hobbyist or a professional photographer taking time to execute a photo project for yourself is enriching and essential. I learned about this concept from…

  12. Try these creative techniques on your next fall or winter photo walk!

    2022-11-04 18:30:00 UTC
    What is your favorite season of the year? It is hard for me to choose between spring and fall. Capturing the beauty of each season is one reason I love photography. Each new season brings fresh colors, tones, and subjects to explore. While I always love playing with creative shooting…

  13. Photographing Beauty in the Winter Garden #lovelydeadcrap

    2022-11-02 12:37:35 UTC
    It’s that time of year on the east coast when everything is primarily brown. The garden is filled with stems, dried leaves, seedpods, and all things crunchy! It may seem like the worst time of year to photograph in the garden, but it is when I have captured some of…

  14. Editing Fall Colors

    2022-09-27 21:26:00 UTC
    It is the season of fall! I absolutely love the colors, sounds, and smells of fall. The warm hues of green, gold, orange, and red are beautiful to capture. At this time of year, there are beautiful opportunities to capture all of this color.  This post will share tips and…

  15. Fall Creative Editing

    2022-09-26 15:40:33 UTC
    Fall is a great time of year to play around with creative editing! Whether you add texture, light, birds, or the moon creating a fall piece of art is rewarding. Most of these images were created either in Photoshop or with iPad applications. I will provide a video below on…

  16. Focus on the Details

    2022-08-29 21:42:40 UTC
    Photograph and Post Process your images to focus on all the details First - Study your subject We can all shoot a beautiful forest vista or a rose growing in a garden. But stand still for a moment and assess your subject. What are the key features; could they be…

  17. Summer Photography Reading/Videos

    2022-07-25 15:56:40 UTC
    Summer is such a great time to catch up on videos or reading. Here are a few new and older photography-related books and videos to check out this summer!   Two Years on a Bike, Martijn Doolaard is a beautiful photo book and story of one artist’s journey from Vancouver to…

  18. Dog days of Summer - Photo Activities

    2022-07-25 15:02:57 UTC
    During the dog days of summer, it can be hard to get out with your camera. Here are some ideas to keep you out of the hot summer sun and give you ideas on what to shoot.  Sunflowers - August is the time to get out there and shoot the…

  19. Summer In -Studio Photo Shoot

    2022-06-22 18:34:42 UTC
    Summer can be hot, humid or even rainy. Don’t let that stop you from shooting your summer blooms!  Here are a few quick tips:  Backdrops - create your own for an inexpensive option. I use painting canvas’s and use old paint to make my own backdrops. Order rolled canvas online…

  20. Lightroom Update - Adaptive Presets

    2022-06-22 18:14:28 UTC
    In June of 2022, Lightroom made some fun new updates to the preset options in the Develop panel. As you may know, presets allow you to make quick editing adjustments to your image. The two new features will give you selective presets and create masking. Let’s look at where these…

  21. Creative tips to capture a summer flower field.

    2022-06-22 17:39:25 UTC
    Summertime is filled with fields of flowers. Whether you are visiting a local flower farm, a botanical garden, along a highway, or in the mountains, there are opportunities to capture a large group of flowers. Often the wind is blowing, or insects are moving the flowers around. Try these two…

  22. One Bouquet - 30 Images

    2022-02-27 19:27:05 UTC
    I recently read an interesting article from Amateur Photographer Magazine about taking one floral bouquet and capturing 30 different images in 24 hours. The photos were very creative and fun to view. I decided to take on this challenge. I purchased a bouquet of Lisianthus flowers at Trader Joe’s and…

  23. Signs of Spring

    2022-02-25 12:47:00 UTC
    “Springtime is the land awakening. The March winds are the morning yawn.” — Lewis Grizzard. As the cold of winter starts to leave, we experience the new beginning of spring every year. When spring begins to arrive, we can see the buds appearing on trees, crocus flowers popping up from…

  24. How to let an average winter walk surprise you!

    2022-02-07 19:27:40 UTC
    I recently braved 20-degree weather on a sunny Sunday morning to meet some photographers at a small lake in Maryland. I had not visited this lake before, but I had low expectations since we are in the dead of winter and currently without snow. I didn’t know what I would…

  25. Plant Portraits

    2022-01-19 20:50:00 UTC
    As a nature photographer, I yearn to be outdoors, capturing the beauty around me, but winter can restrict my ability to get out and shoot. I miss the bright colors of spring, summer, and fall. But, here is an idea to wash away the winter cold - plant portraits!   I…

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